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I offer 90 minute twice weekly natural body movement classes. The principle for these classes is awareness of self within movement. It's not what we do, it's how we go about it, how we do the thing. This awareness speaks to us of our situation and its relation to our patterns of movement...cause and effect without judgement.

Through repetitious movements we create our body. We develop patterns of movement to enable multi tasking and conservation of energy, it's how all moving life forms enact.

The focus of these classes is learning to become more aware of your self through rest and motion, recognise the effects our movement patterns have on our well being and take responsibility for our life situation.

I use ancient Kahuna navigation principles to guide people towards awareness of the minutiae within movement, sensing initial impulses of a particular movement and tracking it to feel the effect on the body as a whole. This is a wonderful exploration to discover new ways to initiate and perform energy generating movements.

In this way we can find and realise our natural potential for self mastery; self healing, self adjustment and self regulation.

I start with constructive rest to effect change in the nervous system, gather energy and create more space around the major joints and spine, then I use some Feldenkrais movements, some asana, my own experiential movements, dance, ka'alele au the flight of the navigator. It's not what we do, it's how we do it. All are welcome to join me on the floor.




$20 per class.

I also offer 60 minute private classes for $75.

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